Approach With An Easy Heart

Compassion, General

Last week Charlie Rose interviewed actor Bradley Cooper, star of the recent box office hit movie Limitless. When Rose asked him how he’s changed in the process of preparing for a role Cooper replied, “The main thing I’ve learned is to approach everything with an easy touch and an easy heart, and just approach everything […]

The Gift of a Mid-Life Crisis (Or Two or Three)

General, Mid-Life Challenges

It’s never to late, or too early, to have a mid-life crisis. The phrase “mid-life crisis” has become impossibly trite. But a mid-life crisis still describes an experience that many, if not most, people have at some point in their lives. I think I had my first mid-life crisis at the age of 27, when […]

The Sleep Diet

General, Self-Care, Your Better Life

I’m on a diet. The Sleep Diet. Unlike most diets, however, this diet involves indulgence rather than deprivation. Since January 1, I have been sleeping as much as I want. I go to bed early and I don’t get up until I wake up naturally. No more alarm clocks for me. I haven’t slept less […]

Getting Counsel From Someone Who’s Been There

General, Lawyers

Lawyer-turned-therapist offers help to attorneys in crisis by Douglas S. Malan The Connecticut Law Tribune March 30, 2009 Karen Caffrey knows the feeling. You’re in your early thirties and things are starting to click at your law firm. You’re getting to understand how to practice law and you’re good at it. But the time and […]